Why do some businesses crash and burn while others sky rocket to the top and excel their sales quota every quarter? I believe it is actually based on various factors.
#1 Advertisement. Companies that excel Advertise. They use all their resources; websites, blogging, twitter, facebook, myspace, generating timely press releases, sending out flyers and business materials, etc.
#2 Stay Current. Companies that excel in the business world Stay Current. They keep up on current trends, changes, and what's happening in the world.
#3 Meet Needs. Companies that excel in today's economic crisis Meet Needs. They plug their products and marketing into the needs of the people as well as the needs in the business industry.
#4 Target Audience. Companies that excel in today's competitive world have a Target Audience.They target a certain people and business in broad spectrum and work on reaching them and meeting their needs.
#5 Create Something New. Companies that excel and advance Create Something New. They take an idea that has already been done and put a spin or a twist on it to create something new, exciting, and current. Everyone wants the new more updated version of everything. It's human nature.
#6 Show Don't Tell. Companies that excel have a unique way of Showing Instead of Telling. They use short well-written articles, graphs, pictures, charts, and important statistics to draw readership attention which then in turn generates business and traffic. Traffic equals sales.
#7 Spend A Little, Get A Lot. Companies that excel invest in training and learning programs. With the little they spend to either get trained on how to write excellent blogs/articles or by choosing to hire a freelance writer, they save time and make even more money. Articles that use key words will draw traffic to your site, and traffic equals money for you or your business.
Why listen to me? I'm just an abused, runaway, 7th grade drop out, right? Actually, yes, I quit school in the 7th grade, I did runaway, I was horribly abused, went through two abusive marriages, nearly died many times, and my children were sexually assaulted by their biological father.
Yet at 26, a single mother of three I got my GED, went onto college, maintained a 4.0, made the Dean's List, graduated with an Associates Degree, landed my first publication in Guideposts for Teens Magazine (which is no beginning market), won the Writer of the Year Award (twice), had more than 500 articles/stories published in 35+ magazines, have five books on the market, teach writing at schools, conferences and online, founded two non-profits, helped more than 200 needy/abused families and pets, developed the curriculum for Abuse Bites our Anti-Bullying program (pre-K thru High School), became an Award-Winning Certified Pet Therapist & Dog Trainer, and now am the Healing Projects Specialist for the Bully Police USA.
I'm not bragging. I'm simply saying if I can accomplish all of that after not even graduating from high school, surely anyone or business owner can too. They just need the WRITE tools and the ability to never give up no matter how hard or long the journey becomes.
Writing is the most important thing to having a business. If you are a good writer, you can draw attention to and virtually sell anything. So I'm offering a four week online interactive writing workshop entitled "How To Get Published" for only $50 to help any individual/business owner who wants to take the initiative and really get their business off the ground. Writing Workshop
And the really great bonus is this: All of the money we take in will actually go to stop abuse, bullying and violence all over the USA in memory of our dear son, Brian, who passed away a few months ago. His Story
A blog to educate, bring hope, and healing to all forms of abuse, bullying, and violence. We don't put a band-aid on abuse/bullying we offer complete healing and restoration to victims, bystanders, and bullies. Bullying is a behavior not who a person is.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Forgive The Bullies
Forgive The Bullies
Is that even possible, to forgive our bullies?Yes, it is.
My son, Brian had Asperger's Syndrome and a heart defect. I watched him get called names, be teased relentlessly, and come home after being beaten up on the bus just to say, "It's okay, Mom, they didn't mean it."
Even though they hadn't said they were sorry, Brian already forgave them.
His brothers teased him about his weight at home. It really upset him and he even cried sometimes. But when they apologized, what they did was already forgiven and forgotten and he was ready to hang out with them like nothing happened.
Forgiveness isn't for our bullies. It's for us. It's the key to our peace, our happiness, our health, and well being.
Doctors said Brian should have only lived to be 1 year old--he lived to be 22. Why? I believe it's because he learned how to forgive and be at peace and love others and himself.
He lived every day like it was his last, and taught us how to love, laugh, forgive, and press on no matter what obstacle got in our way. R.I.P. Brian 6/27/88 to 8/10/10.
Today, thanks to Brian, we can take that message to others and help them get free too, so they can enjoy their lives.More
In our heroes honor, Brian, we are trying to get 5,000 Likes on Abuse Bites facebook page by January 1st. Please click on the link and support us and tell all your friends and family. Soon we'll have a new look to our website too @ http://abusebites.com please bookmark the page and come back and check us out.
Also I'd like to hear who your hero is or about your struggle with bullying/ forgiveness. Please send an email to: abusebites@gmail.com and put HERO, BULLY or FORGIVENESS in the subject line.
Abuse Bites,
Aspergers Syndrome,
Heart Problem,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Scared To Death
Scared To Death
· Did you know...
- 160,000 children FEAR going to school EVERY DAY
- 30 % of all parents FEAR for THEIR child's SAFETY every day?
- Every 30 minutes all over the world a child attempts suicide?
- Even adults suffer from bullying on the job?
- A whopping 18.9 working days are lost each year due to workers being afraid to go to work?
It's true. We live in a world where kids, teens, and adults are literally scared to death. Most would rather die, than face another day at school, at work, or somewhere else being bullied. And who could blame them?
Our family/dogs have been called to go out of the comforts of our home, city, and state to educate others and help set them free. Normally I'm excited and jump at the chance to travel and go, especially when it involves helping others. I grew up on the streets years ago and really want to reach the hurting. But this week I had the opportunity to speak with a lady who moved here from Phoenix, Arizona. She explained that there were so many gangs there that nearly every day her husband left for work he was shot at, and that now, when her kids hear any popping sound, like fireworks, they jump and are afraid.
Hearing her story made me afraid. Gangs today are more violent than ever. Funny, earlier in the week before I met this woman I began doing research on gang activity. It didn't bother me to find that 40% of all gang members were teens and that there is gang activity in every city with a population of 250,000, because I live in a small town of Owosso, Michigan (population 15,713). No biggie. We don't have gangs here. I was gathering the research for our upcoming CHANGE Benefit and for future workshops. But after I spoke with this woman and reflected on the notes I had just taken, I woke up.
- There are approximately 24,500 gangs in the U.S. There were an estimated 750,000 gang members in 2000. The 2009 estimate is One Million gang members with 147,000 of them currently incarcerated.
- Of the 1 million gang members, about 40% are juveniles (under 18) and 60% are adults, or about 400,000 teenage gang members and 600,000 adult gang members.
- Between 90% to 94% of gang members are male. Between 6% to 10% are female.
- Every city in the U.S. with at least 250,000 people has gang activity. 86% of those with at least 100,000 people report gang activity
*59% of all homicides in 2001 in Los Angeles and 53% in Chicago were gang related, there was a total of 698 gang related homicides in there two cities combined where as 130 other cities with population of at least 100,000 with gang problems reported having a total of 637 homicides between them
- Low income
- Learning disabilities and emotional disorders: 60% - 78% of Incarcerated gang members have emotional and learning disabilities. This is the percent found by states that test all delinquents for special needs
- School Failure and Truancy
- No involvement in positive activities outside of school
- Friends and peers who are delinquent
- Early involvement in petty theft and behavioral disorders in grade school
- Sexual abuse and victimization
- Family dysfunction
- Early drug use and sexual activity
- Emotional disorders
- Exposure to violence
Everything in life I've done afraid.
I've battled panic attacks since I was a young girl. Every time I get up to speak in front of a crowd I'm nervous, but after about a minute or so, I get over it, and I'm able to deliver a message of hope to a people that are at their wits ends. I won't let fear hold me back from saving other people's lives.
No matter how scary it looks out there, we will fight this war on ABUSE, BULLYING and VIOLENCE, but we are going to need your support, through prayer, donations, and word of mouth to help pave the way for us to speak as we travel around the country.
We need commitments from you: If you would like to read more about what we do, what we believe, and what we've done already log onto www.abusebites.com
*I Will Support Abuse Bites through Prayer—Email us @ abusebites@gmail.com and write "Prayer" in the Subject box/ send us a little note, introducing yourself, and we will get back to you regularly with a list of current prayer needs.
*I Will Support Abuse Bites through a Monthly Financial Commitment—Email us @ abusebites@gmail.com and write "Monthly Financial Commitment" in the subject line and let us know how much you'd like to pledge/give per month and how you'd like to pay and we'll get back to you on a variety of ways you can send in your monthly commitment.
*I will Support Abuse Bites by Raising Awareness In My Community & Setting Up an ABUSE BITES RALLY—Email us @ abusebites@gmail.com and write "Abuse Bites Rally" in the subject line and give us your information and what you'd like to see happen in your community and we'll set the date and work closely with you to plan it all out.
*I will Donate now and when I can in the future, because I believe in what your family is doing and that Abuse Bites and I want to help Stop Abuse, Bullying and Violence. We'd also like to hear from you
fear of being bullied,
gang violence,
Lisa Freeman,
Monday, October 25, 2010
1$ in CHANGE to Stop Abuse, Bullying, & Violence
This benefit is being thrown for our family in honor/memory of our son, Brian who died in August.
I am asking everyone around the world, every city, state, country, and nation to donate/give $1 American Dollar to the cause so we can use your spare CHANGE to CHANGE the world & Stop Abuse, Bullying and Violence.
We will use this money to travel all over the USA/World to educate others on how to get safe from abuse, bullying and violence. Every penny is tax deductible.
Our son Brian was bullied all his life. He lived and died forgiving his bullies. After he died we found a CHANGE jar he'd been saving. We knew right away we were supposed to collect CHANGE to be the CHANGE for him and others who are bullied. RIP Brian 6/27/88 to 8/10/10.
Our son Jeremiah was nearly bullied to death. Our son Robert was a cutter and had 2 nervous breakdowns due to abuse. Our daughter Melissa was nearly choked to death in school and labeled "gay" because she chose not to date and save herself for the right man.
Please consider taking the $1 CHANGE CHALLENGE TODAY and tell all your email buddies, FB friends, and Twitter followers. We need your support to STOP ABUSE, BULLYING & VIOLENCE. Can you give just $1? If not, give what you can, pass this on, pray for us and our mission, and leave it in God's hands.
You can donate online @ http://www.takeabiteoutofabuse.com/change.html. Or send check or money order payable to: A Time To Heal
PO BOX 1582
Owosso, MI 48867
Thank you for partnering with us!
The Abuse Bites Team
I am asking everyone around the world, every city, state, country, and nation to donate/give $1 American Dollar to the cause so we can use your spare CHANGE to CHANGE the world & Stop Abuse, Bullying and Violence.
We will use this money to travel all over the USA/World to educate others on how to get safe from abuse, bullying and violence. Every penny is tax deductible.
Our son Brian was bullied all his life. He lived and died forgiving his bullies. After he died we found a CHANGE jar he'd been saving. We knew right away we were supposed to collect CHANGE to be the CHANGE for him and others who are bullied. RIP Brian 6/27/88 to 8/10/10.
Our son Jeremiah was nearly bullied to death. Our son Robert was a cutter and had 2 nervous breakdowns due to abuse. Our daughter Melissa was nearly choked to death in school and labeled "gay" because she chose not to date and save herself for the right man.
Please consider taking the $1 CHANGE CHALLENGE TODAY and tell all your email buddies, FB friends, and Twitter followers. We need your support to STOP ABUSE, BULLYING & VIOLENCE. Can you give just $1? If not, give what you can, pass this on, pray for us and our mission, and leave it in God's hands.
You can donate online @ http://www.takeabiteoutofabuse.com/change.html. Or send check or money order payable to: A Time To Heal
PO BOX 1582
Owosso, MI 48867
Thank you for partnering with us!
The Abuse Bites Team
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wear Purple to Stop Abuse & Bullying
Today, I, along with millions of people all over the world, will wear purple in memory/honor of those that have recently lost their lives to bullying and bullycide.
More importantly I will wear the acceptance, love, and an open heart to all who are different from me and accept them just the way they are. Because truly we are all different, unique and wonderful individuals. And chances are, what I can't do, you can. So we literally need each other and one another's gifts and talents to make the world a beautiful place.
So even though these beautiful children/teens/ and even adults have died, their voices live on, screaming out for help and justice for those who are still being bullied, abused, and shunned today. What are you doing to help? Or do you simply walk on by so as not to get involved when you see someone hurting another?
Did you know that if you do nothing, you become part of the problem? It's time to step up and do something. Even if you just wear purple today, it's a start. Let's band together and do something.
It has been reported that 85% of all playground bullying no one does anything, 11% that help are peers, and only 4% are teachers. Come on people, wake up! This could be your child or someone you love next time. Let's do something!
Maybe you can't break up a fight, but you can find someone who can help them. Please don't stand idly by, or walk away any more. We need to stop abuse, bullying and violence wherever we see it.
If you don't stand up for something, you'll fall for anything.
My entire family/dogs have been bullied and abused in some form. So we are fighting back to end the war on bullying. We work feverishly to educate kids, teens, parents, educators, workers, and whole communities on bullying, abuse, and violence and how to stay safe. Please support our cause through prayer, donations, or have us come to your community with our "Abuse Bites" breakout sessions, so you can have the power to break free from abusive behaviors and lifestyles too!
Fun, Interactive Anti-Bullying & Pet Therapy Workshops for the whole family!
Email us today @ abusebites@gmail.com
More importantly I will wear the acceptance, love, and an open heart to all who are different from me and accept them just the way they are. Because truly we are all different, unique and wonderful individuals. And chances are, what I can't do, you can. So we literally need each other and one another's gifts and talents to make the world a beautiful place.
So even though these beautiful children/teens/ and even adults have died, their voices live on, screaming out for help and justice for those who are still being bullied, abused, and shunned today. What are you doing to help? Or do you simply walk on by so as not to get involved when you see someone hurting another?
Did you know that if you do nothing, you become part of the problem? It's time to step up and do something. Even if you just wear purple today, it's a start. Let's band together and do something.
It has been reported that 85% of all playground bullying no one does anything, 11% that help are peers, and only 4% are teachers. Come on people, wake up! This could be your child or someone you love next time. Let's do something!
Maybe you can't break up a fight, but you can find someone who can help them. Please don't stand idly by, or walk away any more. We need to stop abuse, bullying and violence wherever we see it.
If you don't stand up for something, you'll fall for anything.
My entire family/dogs have been bullied and abused in some form. So we are fighting back to end the war on bullying. We work feverishly to educate kids, teens, parents, educators, workers, and whole communities on bullying, abuse, and violence and how to stay safe. Please support our cause through prayer, donations, or have us come to your community with our "Abuse Bites" breakout sessions, so you can have the power to break free from abusive behaviors and lifestyles too!

Email us today @ abusebites@gmail.com
Monday, October 11, 2010
Education Key to Stop Bullycide & All Forms of Bullying
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Yet in the last few weeks across the nation there have been at least twelve bullycide victims. Bullycide is the result of someone being bullied to the point of taking their own life.
The latest bullycide report was in Boston, Massachusetts, where a 10-year-old girl was found hanging by a scarf in a closet. "This is heart wrenching," says Lisa Freeman, who founded the anti-bullying program, Take A Bite Out Of Abuse. "Things like this don't have to happen."
Freeman believes with proper education, kids, teens, parents, and teachers will have the tools they need to take the proper action for prevention in the future. "Accidental suicides happen all the time," she says. "Kids today are playing dangerous games like the choking game."
This is just one of the many self-abuse topics Freeman discusses in her interactive workshops. "The choking game is where kids take an object such as a rope, scarf or tie and wrap it around their neck for a high feeling," she says. "Typically they are with someone else the first time they try it, so when they pass out, the friend is able to loosen the grip so they can breathe. However, when they try it alone, there's no one to release the grip and it ends up killing them."
It is Freeman's goal, as well as her whole family, to travel around the country to educate others on bullying and abuse. "I don't want another person to lose their life," she said. "I almost lost my son to bullycide two years ago."
Freeman's son, Jeremiah, was a sophomore then. He had been bullied all his life, was even threatened, and would have severe panic attacks when even thinking of going to school. "He wrapped a belt around his neck three times," she said. "Thankfully we knew the warning signs and got him the help he needed and now he's helping others."
A benefit has been set for the Freeman's in memory of their other son, Brian, who passed away in August. He had Asperger's Syndrome and a rare heart defect. He was bullied all this life. Yet, he lived and died forgiving his bullies. The EATS and BEATS for CHANGE to TAKE A BITE OUT OF ABUSE will take place on Sunday, November 7th from 4-9 p.m @ Gi Gi's Banquet and Catering. The Mayor, Ben Frederick, will give an address. Limited seating is available. Advanced tickets are $10 per person/ $20 per family ($5 more at door). Mail check/MO to: The Freeman Family, PO Box 1582, Owosso, MI 48867. Get Tickets & info online @ www.abusebites.com.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Forgiving My Bullies
It's been less than 2 months since I buried my son. (Brian's story)
The grief from that has been enough to weigh on my heart, let alone being bullied through it. I wasn't out to hurt no one. I attacked no one. I simply logged onto my facebook account and posted my feelings on my wall. I have to admit, it was one of the roughest days I'd had since Brian passed. I haven't had much sleep due to my other son having a life threatening seizure. (Jeremiah's story)
I felt deserted. Hurt. Lonely. So I posted something about feeling hurt, that no one would probably understand, or if they did they'd be too busy with their own lives to respond.
A certain person, from the church I recently attended for more than two years, responded. More like, she viciously attacked me. She replied with a comment to say that I shouldn't be feeling like that or wallowing in my own grief and sorrow. Instead I should be like her, going to church 4 times a week, so I can fit in and receive love. After all she'd lost both parents and a sibling and knew what grief was like.
Why do we always try to fit everyone into our little box and stereotype their life?
That would be like me stereotyping how the church should act with me and my family. While they gave freely and liberally to another family in need, they seemed to forget our needs altogether. Other than the typical service our church gives to everyone, bringing 3 meals in right after the funeral; No one called, came over, or hardly posted anything encouraging on our facebook wall. Yet, we realized that this other family needed them, so we stepped back.
I have learned through these two hard years, you can be left out in a whole room full of people, even at church.
Sadly, me and my family know how that feels first hand. At church softball games we sat there watching as certain people passed right by us to offer everyone else hugs. We watched cliques form inside the church and even tried to speak to leadership about it, but was told there wasn't any and I was being deceived, and then the very next Sunday it became a sermon, and suddenly Jesus even had cliques! Many times I'd offered to serve in different areas in this particular church, but was told I did enough already, so I prayed and took my talents and gifts to reach others outside the four walls of the church.
Sadly, me and my family know how that feels first hand. At church softball games we sat there watching as certain people passed right by us to offer everyone else hugs. We watched cliques form inside the church and even tried to speak to leadership about it, but was told there wasn't any and I was being deceived, and then the very next Sunday it became a sermon, and suddenly Jesus even had cliques! Many times I'd offered to serve in different areas in this particular church, but was told I did enough already, so I prayed and took my talents and gifts to reach others outside the four walls of the church.
As the Lord led, I taught pet therapy, held anti-abuse/bullying workshops, visited and prayed for the sick, helped the poor and needy, and did various parades to raise awareness on abuse and bullying.
We did reach people. We even brought many of these individuals into that same church. Sadly some of them were bullied and left out too. Some have moved on and found churches were they are loved and accepted, some are still there praying it will change.
Every time someone walked out the door, I heard, "Let 'em go. I don't even care why they left."
But in the Bible, Jesus clearly states that he is the Good Shepherd and if even one strayed off he would leave the 99 others and go after that one.
We are supposed to be the church, the body. It should affect us when someone walks away hurt or wounded. We should love them and pursue them in or outside the church walls.
I'm not condemning the church; I'm speaking to the body. Why are we attacking our own? I've been shown more love and compassion from people in the world that don't claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus or any affiliation with God. Why is that?
God designed the church to be a place for healing, love, acceptance, freedom and life, not a place of judgment, condemnation, or to be left out. We were all created equal, born with a free will. God is the only one who can ever change us or judge us.
So why do we keep trying to fit everyone into our own little box, and when they don't fit, we toss them out like rotten potatoes?
So why do we keep trying to fit everyone into our own little box, and when they don't fit, we toss them out like rotten potatoes?
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. And I will do what my son Brian would do, forgive my bullies, in and out of the church, in life and in death. Because if I keep holding this hurt inside, I know I'm only hurting myself. If I don't forgive, I will not be forgiven.
Forgiveness is key to healing any heart, sorrow, pain or grief. I hope you too can forgive those that have hurt you. And if I've hurt you, please forgive me.
anti-bullying workshops,
church bullies,
cyber bullying,
pet therapy
Friday, October 1, 2010
Speech About Healing From Abuse & Bullying
Let me first say I am both humbled and honored to be here tonight. When Coach Dave Wilson asked me to speak, I was honored, yet at the same time didn't know if I could meet the challenge. Not just because one of my son, Brian, just passed away. But because of an abusive lifestyle I suffered, I have battled with severe panic attacks for years. Yet when God opens a door, even though I might feel fear initially, I know that with him I can do all things.
Yes, with God all things are possible.
Most of you probably don't know that my son Jeremiah also battled severe panic attacks. His panic is also related to being bullied and abused. By the 10th grade he was bullied so badly in school that he became desperate and even suicidal. Even when we got him the help he needed and began schooling him at home, he had severe panic attacks any time he left the house.
He tried to fit in with other kids outside of school at the YMCA. Even tried to join the Y's basketball team, but he was bullied there too. Even though he was a pretty good player, they didn't allow him the chance to be on the team.
That's when we heard about THE FALCONS and spoke with Coach Hadley. He signed Jeremiah up right away for the next season. But in the meantime Jeremiah was invited to basketball practices and basketball camps, which took place in this very gym.
I'm not going to tell you Jeremiah wasn't nervous or never had panic attacks again. But what I am going to tell you is that this gym is where Jeremiah's healing began. On the court he gained back everything those bullies had stolen from him and so much more. We watched as he persevered to overcome every obstacle in his way, to become not only a STARTER basketball player that made excellent 3 point shots, but a wonderful young man of God.
So I want to thank Coach Hadley, Coach Dave, all the Falcons, and the Owosso Free Methodist Church for literally saving our son's life. God used all of you and this awesome place to bring about a healing that we could have never given him. Yes, with God all things are possible, especially when people like you make amazing sacrifices and pray the price. Thank you for being instruments in the Lords hands. Thank you all and God bless!
For more on our workshops, speaking, etc log onto http://www.abusebites.com
Abuse Bites,
bullying workshops,
parents of bullied kids,
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Don't Bury Your Child's Dreams
Even though my son, Brian, had a rare heart condition and Asperger's Syndrome. I never dreamed the day would come when he would die. He was so healthy at the end, although on the heart transplant list for five years, I was certain he'd outlive me and his father.
Losing a child is sad. But losing a child who has suffered so much physically and mentally due to being bullied is another terrible tragedy. He lived and died forgiving his bullies. He was working in our program "Abuse Bites" right up to the end to educate others to stop bullying, abuse, and violence. His lifelong dream and goal had been to travel around the USA with us in an RV to take this important message to others.
It's only been a month since he passed away.
As I sat on the couch missing him and reading his obituary last night, I reread this touching poem on the inside: A Time will come when my life will cease, But when that time comes, I ask that you will remember these things:
*Bury my body, but don't bury my beliefs.
*Bury my heart but don't bury my love.
*Bury my eyes, but not my vision.
*Bury my feet, but not the path of my life.
*Bury my hands but don't bury my diligent efforts.
*Bury my shoulders but not the concern I carried.
*Bury my voice, but not my message.
*Bury my mind, but don't bury my dreams.
*Bury me, but don't bury my life.
*If you must bury something, let it be my faults and my weaknesses, But let my life continue in you!
In my son, Brian's honor, his beliefs, love, vision, path, efforts, concern he carried for others, his message and life, will continue on through us to go out on that mission he always wanted to. Please help us in our efforts (see CHANGE for BRIAN) to go on this mission. We will have to quit our jobs, we will need to raise enough money for an RV, and to feed us and our dogs and supply the gas to travel.
Abuse Bites,
anti-bullying workshops,
stop bullying,
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