Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don't Bury Your Child's Dreams

Even though my son, Brian, had a rare heart condition and Asperger's Syndrome. I never dreamed the day would come when he would die. He was so healthy at the end, although on the heart transplant list for five years, I was certain he'd outlive me and his father.

Losing a child is sad. But losing a child who has suffered so much physically and mentally due to being bullied is another terrible tragedy. He lived and died forgiving his bullies. He was working in our program "Abuse Bites" right up to the end to educate others to stop bullying, abuse, and violence. His lifelong dream and goal had been to travel around the USA with us in an RV to take this important message to others.

It's only been a month since he passed away.

As I sat on the couch missing him and reading his obituary last night, I reread this touching poem on the inside: A Time will come when my life will cease, But when that time comes, I ask that you will remember these things:

*Bury my body, but don't bury my beliefs.

*Bury my heart but don't bury my love. 

*Bury my eyes, but not my vision. 

*Bury my feet, but not the path of my life. 

*Bury my hands but don't bury my diligent efforts. 

*Bury my shoulders but not the concern I carried. 

*Bury my voice, but not my message. 

*Bury my mind, but don't bury my dreams. 

*Bury me, but don't bury my life. 

*If you must bury something, let it be my faults and my weaknesses, But let my life continue in you!

In my son, Brian's honor, his beliefs, love, vision, path, efforts, concern he carried for others, his message and life, will continue on through us to go out on that mission he always wanted to. Please help us in our efforts (see CHANGE for BRIAN) to go on this mission. We will have to quit our jobs, we will need to raise enough money for an RV, and to feed us and our dogs and supply the gas to travel. 


Edwin said...

Sometimes you may look at the talents that God has given to others and think that God hasn't given us very much talent. We might even be tempted to hide our talent. But when we use our God-given talent to be all that God intended for us to be... boy, can we fly!

Lisa said...

Amen, Edwin!

english research paper topics said...

I agree with these points - they are really deep and wonderful!

Lisa Freeman said...

Thanks so much!