Friday, September 16, 2011

Stopping Bullying & Abuse In Saginaw Michigan

Doors are opening to STOP BULLYING in Saginaw, Michigan.

For five years I've tried to do work in my own community here in Owosso. And I've done some awesome things. And I do hope to do some more awesome things in the future.

But lately I've been noticing how God is leading us to Saginaw. Earlier in the week I was invited to attend an awesome Conference in Saginaw today by a sweet lady, May Watson, who works with Drug Education, Prevention & Youth Services with the United Way. They go into the public schools to raise awareness, prevention, and education to help kids make better choices. She said they've been praying about an anti-bullying program!

I just met May Saturday at the Saginaw Worship in the Park celebration on Ojibuway Island. Talk about divine appointments! Her and her husband are like angels, fluttering around to connect organizations together so we can work together, change hearts, save lives, and Stop Abuse! Awesome!

Not only did I have a blast meeting, talking with, and having a booth in the park next to May, but today she introduced me to some wonderful people at the Conference.

Already the YMCA has contacted us and has asked us to come and share our message/program with their staff. How awesome!

If you'd like us to share the scoop on bullying, prevention, safety, education, awareness, or a healing workshop, please let us know! We'd be so happy to serve your school, church, work place, or community.

Our workshops are FREE, we just ask that our gas be compensated.

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