Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day One: Walk n Talk Across Michigan to Stop Bullying n Abuse

Our Kick off at the Capitol went well, despite everything coming against us. There was unpredicted rain throughout the morning, but thankfully it was light and not a total wash out. My hubby, John, even pointed out a beautiful rainbow that morning before we left. Thanks honey :)

I had two phone interviews before we even left the house. We ended up getting a late start and even getting turned around due to construction. And since it was after 9 a.m. when I finished my interview with TV 6 News, I thought everything was set up and we could get started. My son, Jeremiah, opened the event with a song called "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North. He did an amazing job, I was so proud!

Then we had an opening prayer, followed by a moment of silence for the victims, then we were supposed to play "Tears in Heaven" but little did I know, John was still setting everything up. Our Emcee, Ron Hoshal, did a good job though and saved John from a most embarrassing situation as he went on to the next thing on the schedule. He also shared about how he and I raised over $10,000 for abused/needy pets for the local Humane Society.

One of our speakers, Kevin Epling, Co-Chair of Bully Police USA, later pointed out that even though our song couldn't play, with the rain coming down, we had literal "tears from heaven". He spoke on how we all needed to work together to bring about the change our kids need in the schools to protect them, through educating, raising awareness, and giving them the tools and prevention methods they need. I couldn't agree more!

I spoke on Change as well. About how we need to love and accept others, forgive our bullies, help our bullies, pray for our bullies, and that will bring about the healing and change that is needed.

There were a few quirks, like no video coverage, because no one set the camcorder up, and being physically attacked with my hip and leg giving me so much pain I could barely walk, let alone hobble that morning, but the message was powerful!

Still, I was a little disappointed by the turn out, as only a handful of people and a couple of news guys were there. It hurt me to think that we made all those calls to politicians, sent out hundreds of press releases, and yet, only a few people came that morning to listen and show their support, and we only sold three t-shirts.

But as we were getting ready for this event, John was pressing out the event t-shirts and trying to find the center of the logo for the back, and it came to my attention that the word "GO" was right in the center.

It was a message saying "GO". It doesn't matter who shows up, how many t-shirts we sell, how we feel, or who supports us. We're to be faithful to go, and let God do the rest.

And because we were faithful to go that morning, despite all the negative comments and lack of support, and low t-shirt sales, after the event, we had the chance to minister and pray with a young woman who came to us in tears who has been terribly abused. While we were praying with her, her two little girls were loving on Snickers. How awesome is that!

If we even touch one person, this Walk n Talk Across Michigan to Stop Abuse is well worth it.

Please show your support for this mission by lifting us up in prayer, considering a donation, and even getting an event t-shirt for you/your family, as all the money will go (for gas, food, lodging) to help us take this healing message to those who are abused and need it. We will be walking and talking through 15 major cities in Michigan over the next several weeks on the weekends offering one day healing events.

For more information on cities, dates, donation, sponsorship, etc, please log onto

Or write to: Abuse Bites, Walk n Talk, PO Box 1582, Owosso, MI  48867

Thank you for your continued support!

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