Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Stop Bullying

It doesn't seem possible still that we lost our son two weeks ago. What a hero! He died forgiving his bullies.
 I've survived nearly every form of abuse in life, yet this is one thing I hoped I'd never have to survive. However, at the same time I am absolutely honored at the work to stop abuse, bullying and violence that will go on in his name. I'm already seeing it happen.
Many letters have poured in from parents, grandparents, teachers, lay people, and concerned citizens. Bullying and abuse must stop. There is only one way. We need to take action. We need to make a change and a difference for the next generation. Have a no tolerance policy and stick to it.
I heard from teachers who saw other teachers and administrators bullying kids and stood up for them. Thank God there are a few good people out there who care and are taking a stand for our children. But it needs to happen on the playground as well. Many times bullying is seen as a squabble or simply overlooked. These kids need intervention the first time. 85% of the time playground bullying goes unattended, 4% of the time teachers and aides step into help, but mostly help comes from peers, still only 11%. Come on, we need to step it up and intervene.
What you can do to stop bullying…
*Raise awareness in your community, church, school, workplace, etc about anti-bullying programs like ours that are available to educate and teach kids, parents, adults, and even educators how to properly handle bullying issues.  This isn't just a SCHOOL problem. Bullies/Bullying is everywhere. We'd love to come to your school, church, work place, library, community, contact us today @
*Connect with other anti-bullying forces out there, such as the Bully Task Force  in New York, Bully Police USA  in Washington, etc.
*Donate your time, talents, and even money to help anti-bullying organizations so they can be productive in educating others. We have people all over the USA taking our information packets to their schools, churches, and other events in the community, as well as putting up canisters to collect donations. Change of Heart for Brian and others like him@
*Start a local anti-bullying group to discuss ways you can raise awareness and bring safety to your community
*Choose to do something about bullying, don't just sit there and hope the schools/laws will protect you and your family, you have to be proactive or nothing will ever get done. Don't give up, together, we can do this!


Adam said...

Hey Lisa-
Great post, lots of inspiration and useful links.

You can also check out my anti-bullying blog at:


Be Excellent!

Lisa Freeman said...

Adam, thanks so much! I also read you post, very awesome as well! Good job! And so true!

cyber bullying said...

I heard from teachers who saw other teachers and administrators bullying kids and stood up for them. Thank God there are a few good people out there who care and are taking a stand for our children.


Lisa Freeman said...

Yes, I'm glad to see it's finally happening, even if in a small way. Teachers need to be a child's advocate while in school! Awesome! Made my day :)