Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kick the Bully's Butt--Fight Back God's Way

Wow! Life has been absolutely crazy lately. For months, even a couple years now, I've been doing a lot of research on bullying and abuse. As I studied kids who'd been bullied, I came across Jared's story of bullycide--his mom Brenda founded The Bully Police USA. Her precious son was bullied to the point that he became depressed and took his own life. I can so relate. The same thing nearly happened to my son, Jeremiah, two years ago.

Jeremiah was just starting his sophomore year. He'd been bullied since he was in the 5th grade, but he'd always had his older brother and sister to rely on and hang out with. But they had both graduated the previous year, so it left him all alone and feeling defenseless when the bully attacked him that first day of school.

He reported the bullying right away and they thought they had handled the situation by talking to the bully. However the bullying never stopped. In fact it got to the point that my son's life was threatened, he began having panic attacks, and he started feeling so desperate and hated facing school so much that he took a belt and wrapped it around his neck three times.

Luckily Jeremiah stopped before it was too late and confided in us after some questioning just how bad it had gotten. So we got him the help and the protection he needed. But believe me, we had to fight for it!

Today we are teaming up with Brenda and other parents/educators to help kids/adults who've been bullied and to prevent others from being bullied. We are now the Healing Projects Specialist for the Bully Police USA and are fighting back against bullying and abuse with our new program "Take A Bite Out Of Abuse".

We teach students, parents, and educators how to fight/defeat the bully without violence:

Here's 10 things every child/parent should know...

1. Statistics show us that 1 out of 10 kids are bullies, but there are nine others who aren't bullies, so if those nine simply STICK TOGETHER, they can defeat the bully (there is power in numbers)

2. Most kids are bullied when alone--so always be paired up with a partner

3. Speak Up. Not only for yourself, but others too. Report all bullying the second it happens to a safe adult (if online/cyber bullying print it up and don't respond back and show it to the proper authorities)

4. Don't walk away when others are being bullied (if you're too afraid to stay there, at least get help for the one being bullied). If you aren't a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. By walking away and doing nothing you are just as bad as the person bullying.

5. If a bully approaches you try to walk/run away and get help.

6. Try befriending bullies, do something nice for them (if you can), as most bullies have probably been bullied. Hurt people usually hurt people.

7. Bullying is never about ANGER, it's always about power and control.

8. If you don't seem to be getting help after reporting a bullying incident and it keeps happening, keep climbing the ladder and talking to the next person up in authority.

9. We must realize that most bullies are afraid too, afraid of being hurt again, so therefore they hurt others.

10. Over 100,000 kids are bullied each day and afraid to go to school.

Now you Can Help us:

To help us fight this war on bullying you can go to your school and request that they get an educational anti-bullying program in place that will teach not only safety and prevention, but healing techniques for those who've already been bullied and abused.

Our program is just one of many @


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