Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Freedom From Abuse

Freedom From Abuse

As a child I was neglected. Oh I had plenty of food, clothes, and toys. And I guess my parents loved me, but I didn't feel loved or valued. It was like no one listened to me or wanted to hear what I had to say. They didn't want to be bothered with me.

In my search for love and acceptance in my neighborhood, I found abuse. Boys and men used and abused me, and out of fear I let them.

Driven by fear, horrible insecurities set in. And on top of that I was numb. I had this huge aching hole in my heart.

I tried to fill it with everything throughout my teen years; boyfriends, drugs, alcohol, etc, but the hole just got bigger.

At school I was the odd girl out. I wasn't pretty enough and preppy enough to hang out with snotty rich girls. The geeks didn't want me either.

So I ran away. I ran from one thing to the next. Even one state to the next as I hitchhiked around the USA. I didn't find love and acceptance there either. Nope. I suffered even more abuse. And now I was starving, only had the clothes on my back, penniless, taken hostage, raped, and nearly killed.

For years I was trapped in a vicious cycle of abuse. For years I chose men who abused me. Then it began happening to my children.

That's when I drew the line. I tried to stop it before. I tried to get help. I tried to save my failing marriage that I was always told was my fault.

Yep, it was my fault he was addicted to pornography. It was my fault he cheated. And it was my fault he molested our three children.

NOT! It took awhile to get my head on straight, but, at 26 I finally stopped believing the lie. I finally found the TRUTH and the TRUTH is what set me free.

People can lie to us and tell us they'll change. We can lie to ourselves and try to believe the abuse will get better. Or we can face the truth, that we cannot change anyone, they have to want to get help. Sadly, most people who abuse want to get help, but they're afraid of being judged if they seek it. They're also believing the lie.

Anyone can get free. I know. I did.

As long as you have breath in your body it's not too late. It's your choice. Will you remain a prisoner inside your own home believing the lie, or will you let the TRUTH set you free?

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1

GET FREE TODAY WITH THIS FREE BOOK OFFER "Run For Your Life" about my true life story @

Now booking speaking engagements for 2010 & 2011.

Contact Lisa @ Via Web Sites @

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