Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fight Back

When we think of being bullied or abused, our first thought is to "fight back". So what do you think, should you fight back when someone's hurting you. ABSOLUTELY!

Every workshop that we present, every teen we talk to, every thing we say definitely teaches people to fight back. We can't just become innocent victims and keep letting these bullies violate us. However, there are certain ways that we can fight back without being violent and creating an even bigger problem.

Things we can do to stop violence, abuse, and bullying:

  • Call 911 If You Or Someone You Know Are In Danger and Need Help Right Now
  • Stand Up For Ourselves & Others Who Are Being Bullied or Abused (It is estimated that only 1 out of 10 people are bullies--just think of what would happen if those 9 stuck together!)
  • Talk To A Friend, Pastor, Parent, Teacher, Adult, or Trustworthy Person About The Abuse
  • Report The Abuse
  • Don't Think You Deserve It or You Have To Take It--Get Help Before It's Too Late
  • Develop A Safety Plan If You're In An Abusive Relationship
  • Run Away If You're In Danger, Scream "FIRE" it draws more attention

And remember the abuse cycle, the abuser says their sorry and that they will never do it again. It's up to you to make sure they don't by making better and safer choices. Chances are if they've hurt you once, they're going to keep doing it again--don't be a victim any longer--fight back and be a survivor so you can help others survive too!


Abuse Kills said...

Great site! Found you via BlogCatalog. Thanks for caring and sharing.


Dr. Jay SW said...

Why--you're performing an incredible service with this. So many people blame themselves, or think there's nothing they can do. At the same time, it's inspiring to see your resiliance.

Anonymous said...

i also found you via blog catalog nice blog

Lisa Freeman said...

Thanks for the warm comments to all of you. I hope that I can continue to offer help and educational blogs to assist other to get free from abusive/violent encounters.