Monday, December 31, 2007


Recently we've taken statistics from several schools where we've presented (elementary through high school) and I guess it's no surprise really, that VERBAL ABUSE is the #1 form of abuse that most of the kids have suffered from.

We've all heard the saying that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". But we all know that couldn't be farther from the truth, because words do hurt. The fact is, words can either be used as a weapon thrown like a dagger straight through our heart or can be the healing salve on an open wound.

The Bible actually says, that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I believe that's true.

I'm just as guilty of ripping people apart with my words as the next person. I'm sort of humorous and I always have to get the last laugh. Many times, unfortunately, it was at someone else's expense. Recently, I've had to rethink my humor and try not to bash anyone, especially those that I love. And I'm actually laughing a lot more and enjoying what I do!

In our presentations we get real with kids/teens and explain that most bullying starts with gossip, teasing, or another form of verbal abuse. We also explain that each of us have the choice and the freedom to stop it, by simply zipping our lips. I become so transparent in my workshops that I share many of my bad qualities (that I've bullied/abused others), but they also see the other side, that after a horrible life of abusing and abuse, I'm now reaching out to help others. The truth is everyone has bad qualities, but they also have good qualities. So I tell them to look for the good in others. To do unto others as they'd have done unto them. To love their neighbor as themselves.

We do several demonstrations with students as we speak to them. The most powerful game we play is tug o war. We put one person on one end (the bully) and nine other students on the other end. We tell the 9 students to pull real hard, then simply let go. The bully falls. Problem solved. Too many times in an abusive situation we are making the situation worse by hanging on to the problem, but if we just let go, then we are free. We also explain that there is power in numbers and just by simply standing together we can defeat the bully/abuser every time.

There are so many powerful tactics students, teachers, parents and educators are learning from this program. But not as much as I have gained putting it together.

I've learned so much from these kids and these surveys, it's unbelievable. And it's amazing that nearly 90 % of all the kids who filled out a survey thanked us for our program and have learned at least one important strategy to getting out of an abusive, violent, or bullying situation. And the teachers were equally shocked by the types of things they can do to work together with students and parents to stop this abuse in its tracks.

Won't you please help us get this important message out there so we can literally stop abuse, violence, and bullying? We don't want another mall shooting, what happened at Virginia Tech, or even Columbine. What we want is to bring this country back to the peace, safety, and love we once knew!

All you have to do is tell everyone about our website, our program, and call your local church, schools, and libraries. If you want to see your community change for the better, please let us Take A Bite Out Of Abuse!

Thanks so much for taking time to read this and may you have a blessed and safe New Year,

~Lisa Freeman

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