Friday, December 16, 2011

Struggling With Bullying Issues?

Are you struggling with bullying issues in your home, school, or community?

Have you tried various anti-bullying workshops and strategies, but still don't seem to be getting anywhere with students or parents?

Why don't you let us help!

*We're Experienced: We are all abuse survivors who have been both the bully and bullied throughout life. We've shared our workshops in various schools, churches, and work places all over Michigan.

*We're Educated & Endorsed: We founded Abuse Bites Corp. from the ground up in 2005 (put together workshops for pre-school, children, teens and even adults), currently we work as the Healing Projects Specialist for the Bully Police USA, and host a blog talk radio show "Bullying Matters" for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.

*We're Empathetic: We understand all sides of bullying and teach others empathy, something's that lacking these days in homes, schools, and communities.

*We're Enthusiastic & Empowering: We're passionate about this anti-bullying message and empower and motivate others to Be The CHANGE they want to see in others. Our mission is to CHANGE HEARTS & SAVE LIVES in memory of our son, Brian, who passed away last year. He was bullied all his life. He lived and died forgiving his bullies.

*We're Effective: We offer healing workshops for all those who are affected by bullying and abuse: (victims, bystanders, the ones with bully behaviors as well as their families, and even staff). Many wounded hurting people are walking around. They are like time bombs waiting to go off. If their feelings and emotions aren't properly dealt with we might witness the next Columbine or worse. Hurt people, hurt people. Healed people, heal people.

*We're NOT Expensive: We're a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that is passionate about the cause, not a paycheck! We know schools are struggling. We know everyone is struggling. That is why we are willing to work within the means of any reasonable budget. We are currently trying to raise funds for gas so we can offer low-income schools and communities FREE WORKSHOPS.

Too many times, people are simply putting a band aid on bullying. They offer help for the victim or target while putting the bully (those demonstrating bullying behaviors) in anger management classes. Bullying is not about anger; it's about power and control. And it's time the schools, we as parents, and entire communities realize this and take back the control from those with bullying behaviors, so we can have more time to focus on what's really important--education and empowering our young people and families to strive toward a better, safer future.

We'd love to send you more information, outlines of our workshops, or we'd even be willing to come to a meeting and share our program with your teachers and principals if you'd like. So please let us know how we can help you and your staff bring healing to your community! Thank you for your time. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Lisa Freeman, CEO Abuse Bites
Healing Projects Specialist, Bully Police USA

Email Us @
Visite Us @

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