Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RESCUE 9-1-1

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and National Animal Cruelty Prevention Month.

As a lifelong Abuse Survivor and Advocate for Abused people and pets I have a huge heart for those hurting or in need. That's why I founded our non-profit organizations, A Time to Heal and Abuse Bites, and raised over $20,000 for our community, to bring hope, help and healing to all victims and survivors of abuse.

As both a victim and survivor, I have suffered the long-term effects of being abused and bullied. Most people don't know it, but for years I have battled severe panic attacks and agoraphobia due to having Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Yes, unlike most people with this incredibly isolating disorder, I speak, teach, and entertain in both small and large groups of people.

However, none of this would have been possible without my rescue dog, Snickers. It all started when that little brown bundle of fur darted under my van one wintry day. Thankfully I stopped just in time, and he melted in my arms. Before our paws crossed, I felt too afraid to even be around even one person. I barely left my house. Snickers gave me the courage and ability I needed to get out of the deep dark depressing hole I was in and help others by sharing my story. I honestly thought I was rescuing him that day on the side of the road, when truly, has rescued me.

Snickers is retiring from more than 12 years of community service work and has hung up his leash. Sadly, he's battling terminal cancer. I realize now it's just a matter of time. It hurts my heart to think of losing a dog who has given me and others so much to live for.

I know it seems selfish, but lately I've been praying for God to bring me another wonderful, amazing dog, much like Snickers. I believe if He’s done it once, He can do it again. Besides, God understands my growing needs and is the only one who can do the seemingly impossible. Due to my severe allergies, ear issues, and possibly age, I now have balance issues along with P.T.S.D. and find myself in need of trying to find and train a service dog who would be there and be big enough to help steady me, yet at the same time, be a lover of both people and pets, like Snickers has always been.

A couple of weeks after I began praying and really seeking God on this matter, a friend called. She explained that her daughter had found this medium-sized female dog, loose and running the streets. Since the dog was a Rot and Husky mix, being labeled a dangerous dog, she was unable to keep it at the trailer court where she lived. So of course hearing the story I offered to foster the dog and place an ad in the newspaper to find the pup’s owner.

It was dejavu all over. She, like Snickers, was very needy and clung to me like a shadow, following my every move. And I was having second thoughts about keeping her for even a few days. Although very loving and good with people and other pets, like Snickers, in the beginning I was a little concerned over a couple of her behaviors. She had some jealousy aggression with our other three dogs and huge separation anxiety, whining, barking and scratching at the door if I even went to the bathroom.

As an animal lover and dog trainer I went right to work. By assuring her of my love and affection for her, as well as using a mix of discipline and rewards, she has really progressed in the last few days. She has become way more submissive and obedient.

I've only had her five days now, and in that time she has learned to come on command, sit, down, stay, heel and walk on a loose leash without pulling. We are still working on leave it and other advanced skills. She has even walked cheek to cheek beside my four pound Yorkie without showing any signs of aggression on two separate walks.

Last night I took her on her first pet therapy visit to the nursing home and other than getting a little freaked out by the elevator, she was a born natural! I cannot believe no one called to claim her and even more so that someone could dump off such a “precious” pup. That’s what I named her “Precious,” even before I knew the meaning of the word, which clearly is her story and will be used to stop abuse and bullying in our workshops! (Precious Means: 
of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly).

Precious with my son, Jeremiah, who was nearly bullied to death in high school

So, since no one has called to claim our Precious little girl, I see once again that God has come to my rescue, answered my prayers, and brought the perfect dog for me so that together Precious and I can continue rescuing others from lifestyles of abuse.

So why not rescue a pet today? You might find that you’re the one being rescued!

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